Wednesday, April 22, 2015

And The Fitness Tips Keep Coming!

Here is our latest fitness tip in our on going commitment to provide 100 fitness tips over the course of a year.

19. Drinking coffee

Some people think that drinking coffee is a bad idea, especially when a person is trying to lose weight. On the contrary, drinking hot coffee at breakfast is actually a good idea, since it can help in boosting your energy levels. Just don’t drink coffee shakes in coffee shops too often though, since they are filled with lots of calories that can make you gain weight.

The mass media outlets continue to muddy the waters as to actual benefits/harm of coffee. (Everything in moderation!) Personally I like to drink a cup of coffee about 20 minutes before I workout or teach a class. The energy really helps!

These two coffees are not for the faint of heart! If you like your coffee with a bigger KICK, these are the way to go! Don't say you were not warned!

Kicking Horse Whole Bean Coffee, Kick Ass Dark Roast, 2.2-Pound Pouch


Our mission is to stimulate the planet with the ultimate wake-up call. We have some big ideas — ideas that go way beyond mere profit. These ideas govern everything we do, from buying only Fair Trade, organic beans to helping sustain our own community ...

Death Wish Coffee, The World's Strongest Ground Coffee Beans, Fair Trade and Organic, 16 Ounce Bag


Our company's mission was to develop an insanely strong coffee that was dark, highly caffeinated, and very flavorful. Mission accomplished! Introducing, Death Wish Coffee - The World's Strongest Coffee. Not for the weak. 

Yahoo FoodIs Iced Coffee a Gigantic Rip-Off?Yahoo FoodI drink tons of iced coffee: in 100 degree Texas, it doesn't make sense to add any more steam into your life. But I do so regretfully, knowing that, while I'm scoring a buzz and a refreshing drin ...

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